Ovulation Induction & Follicular Monitoring in Ahmedabad

Are you suffering from PCOS ?

Do you have irregular menstrual cycles and infertility ?

Is it difficult for you to conceive?

If yes, then you should visit Nisha IVF, a leading IVF centre in Ahmedabad to evaluation your options for ovulation induction and follicular monitoring.

At Nisha IVF, Ahmedabad, we have successfully helped couples who have problems in achieving pregnancy through our advanced fertility treatments.

Our team of highly-accomplished and one of the best fertility doctors in Ahmedabad is known to offer personalized treatments and ovulation induction and follicular monitoring in Ahmedabad is one of them.

What are ovulation induction and follicular monitoring ?

Ovulation induction is a procedure of using medications to stimulate the development of follicles in the ovaries. It is done for women whose menstrual cycles have an unpredictable pattern.

The oral hormones work in place of the natural hormonal surge, and the ovaries start developing eggs regularly and thickening the uterine lining.

We at Nisha IVF, Ahmedabad, continuously supervise the ovulation cycles with pelvic ultrasounds for follicular monitoring. It helps us to evaluate whether the follicles are developing well.

Ovulation induction aims to increase the woman’s chance to conceive a child either through intercourse or by utilizing intrauterine insemination (IUI) or another fertility treatment.

Now that you know what ovulation induction and follicular monitoring mean, we will now understand who needs this procedure.

Who can benefit from ovulation induction and follicular monitoring ?

Our fertility specialists at Nisha IVF, Ahmedabad, recommend this treatment to a woman who has irregular or absent ovulatory cycles. Women suffering from PCOS, which is an ovulation-interrupting disorder, can also benefit from ovulation induction.

Ovulation induction is used during in vitro fertilization (IVF). It assists in stimulating several mature eggs to be released for retrieval to be used for IVF. It is called controlled hyperstimulation.

We offer this treatment after evaluating the following:

  • Whether you have a disorder that directly prevents regular ovulation, such as PCOS
  • Your hormone levels, especially FSH, LH, and AMH
  • Conditions that can affect ovulation indirectly such as obesity, eating disorders, and thyroid disorder

Now, we will explain in brief the procedure of ovulation induction and follicular monitoring.

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Steps of ovulation induction and follicular monitoring at Nisha IVF, Ahmedabad

Ovulation induction involves a series of steps that are seamlessly followed by us to create a treatment plan.

Evaluation :

Initially, our team of fertility specialists at Nisha IVF, Ahmedabad, will evaluate your fertility pattern by performing several blood tests. During this period, we will keep track of your hormone reserves and evaluate your uterine lining and follicle development progress.

Ovulation stimulation :

After a complete diagnosis, we will carefully start a custom-designed stimulation cycle. Oral hormonal medication will stimulate the growth of follicles, which will release mature eggs.

Follicular monitoring :

Once your ovulation clock follows a planned pattern, we will check your progress through a follicular monitoring test that includes pelvic ultrasounds.

The follicular monitoring test helps us assess your follicles’ development and the thickness of your endometrium.

Fertilization :

With ovulation induction, a minimum of one egg is prepared in each cycle. In order to conceive, you must have intercourse during the fertile period. To assist you in planning intercourse, our fertility specialist will provide you with a chart.

Otherwise, you can opt for intrauterine insemination (IUI), wherein your partner’s sperm are directly placed in your uterus.

There are risks involved in every procedure, and below we have discussed the potential risk of ovulation induction.

What are the risks of ovulation induction ?

We at Nisha IVF, Ahmedabad, take great precautions to ensure that there is minimum risk involved during ovulation induction. The risks may include:

Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome :

If the hormones are induced incorrectly during ovulation, it may lead to ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. It causes symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, etc.

Multiple births :

The ovulation-inducing medication can cause several eggs to release, thereby increasing multiple birth chances.

Other side-effects of ovulation induction are :

  • Bloating
  • Headaches
  • Weight gain
  • Hot flashes
  • Tenderness in the pelvic region

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Benefits of Ovulation Induction and Follicular Monitoring at Nisha IVF, Ahmedabad

Generally, ovulation induction is one of the initial treatments used by us for infertility. It is non-invasive and comparatively low cost in Ahmedabad compared with other fertility treatments.

For more severe cases of anovulation (lack or absence of ovulation) or other causes of infertility, we effectively combine ovulation induction and follicular monitoring with IVF, intrauterine insemination (IUI) and other treatments.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the signs of non-ovulation ?

The major symptom is the inability to get pregnant. A menstrual cycle that is too short (less than 21 days), too long (more than 35 days), irregular, or absent indicates that you are not ovulating.

Why is it necessary to undergo a follicular monitoring test ?

The follicular monitoring test, which is a series of ultrasounds, is necessary for women taking fertility medication to assess medication response and adjust the dosage.

What should the size of my follicle be when I ovulate ?

The ideal follicular size is 18 to 20 millimetres or larger. The follicular size indicates the maturity of an egg in the follicle.