IVF treatment is becoming increasingly popular. This is due to the fact that it has assisted all those people who were struggling to conceive. The ultimate goal of IVF is to have a successful pregnancy and a healthy baby. 

However, in today’s digitally-driven and demanding professional environment, women seeking to welcome Motherhood through IVF therapy face a challenging time. 

But now there is suddenly a ray of hope, says Dr. Nisarg Patel – a founder of Nisha IVF Centre. Most people are currently working from home due to the pandemic-created crisis.

Dr. Nisarg Patel is an acclaimed IVF specialist, and, with his team of specialists, he has treated many hopeful couples at Nisha IVF Centre, one of the best IVF centers for IVF treatment in Ahmedabad.

How did working from home affect people?

Many corporate employees have been compelled to work from home as a result of the current pandemic. Working from home may have seemed like a welcome change, but it can be challenging, especially for women with children. They have had to manage the balance between working from home and household work while also paying attention to their children’s needs.   

While dealing with colleagues who have children, mainly working women, can be difficult, working from home has been a boon and a much-needed push for those eager to start a family.

So it is no surprise that Nisha IVF Centre, among the best IVF hospitals in Ahmedabad, has had a surge of people wanting to know about IVF options in the last 2 years.  

Dr. Nisarg Patel, an accomplished fertility doctor with over 10 years of expertise, says working from home has made it possible for more people to try alternate methods of having a child after unsuccessful attempts at conceiving.

Why is it harder for IVF seekers who work from the office?

Because of its high success rate and flexible pre-requisites, IVF has become a popular treatment option for many working women worldwide. However, because IVF procedures take time, the treatment must be thoroughly planned. One of the most challenging tasks for women working in the workplace is requesting time and leave. 

Dr. Nisarg Patel, a well-known IVF specialist in Ahmedabad, says that women have traditionally found it challenging to arrange their IVF treatment programmes in a high-pressure, corporate work atmosphere.

Another factor is the delicate aspect of sharing the reason for leave with your seniors and managers. Due to productivity concerns and tight delivery schedules, many managers hesitate to sanction leaves. 

You may also find it tough to discuss these issues as you may want to keep your infertility issues private, which is natural and appropriate.

What does an IVF treatment involve?

IVF treatment involvedIVF (In vitro fertilization) is a method of fertilizing your egg with sperm outside of your body, the term in vitro means “in glass”. The procedure entails monitoring and promoting your ovulatory cycle, retrieving an ovum (egg) or ova (eggs) from your ovaries, and allowing sperm to fertilize them in a laboratory setting. 

The fertilized egg, also known as a zygote, is cultured in a growth medium for 2 to 6 days before getting implanted in your uterus or another woman (if you have to go through a surrogate mother) to generate a healthy and successful pregnancy.

IUI and ICSI are examples of IVF treatments performed at Nisha IVF Centre, which is among the leading IVF hospitals in Ahmedabad

IUI treatment

IUI Treatment

Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is a technique for implanting high-quality sperm into the uterus during ovulation. It is a less intrusive fertility procedure.

The sperms are injected as close as possible to your tubal opening by the fertility specialist. IUI speeds up the process of sperm meeting the egg in the fallopian tube.

The steps involved are:

Medications for egg growth:

Our fertility specialist will prescribe oral or injectable drugs to help your eggs grow and mature. Oral medication must be taken for 5 days, and the injectable medication must be taken for 8 to 12 days, depending on how your ovaries react. The injections are given in your upper thigh or stomach area.

Blood Monitoring and Ultrasound:

You may require short ultrasound consultations every 2 to 3 days while on injectable medicine to track the ovaries and egg growth. Blood tests can monitor hormone levels linked to egg development and ovarian function. We run these tests to ensure that everything is running well.

Inducing ovulation:

You will be given an injectable, often known as a trigger-shot, that causes ovulation to occur within 36 hours. A nurse can give the shot at our clinic, or it can be self-administered at home.

Retrieval and preparation of sperm:

A sperm sample is taken from your partner, or donor sperm (if need be) is thawed and handled through a procedure by our technician to get the best sperm sample.


You will be asked to relax on a check-up platform. Our fertility specialist will use a thin, long, flexible catheter to insert the sperm sample into your uterus. The entire procedure is practically painless and takes only a few minutes.

ICSI treatment procedure

Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) is a revolutionary treatment for male infertility in couples. It encourages sperm to penetrate the egg for fertilization if it is something that your partner’s sperm cannot achieve on their own.

The steps involved are:

Egg retrieval:

Retrieval and preparation of sperm:

A sperm sample is taken from your partner and handled through a procedure by our technician to get the best sperm sample.

Under sonographic supervision, the clinician introduces a microneedle into your ovaries via the vaginal channel and then suctions the eggs from the follicles. The eggs are then washed in a solution to retrieve genetically mature eggs.

Sperm injection:

The clinician collects a mature sperm cell and, using an injection pipette, injects the sperm straight into the egg.

A tiny suction is used to breach the egg membrane slightly, allowing the sperm to pass through the pipette directly into the egg. The egg is typically examined microscopically for evidence of fertilization after 40 – 70 hours.

Embryo transfer:

The fertilized egg grows into an embryo in 4 – 6 days (blastocyst phase) and is placed into your uterus under the expert’s observation.

In both the procedures, you must do a pregnancy test with a blood report or a urinary pregnancy test kit 2 weeks after the insemination or embryo transfer. You must also advise the fertility centre of the test results.

Ahmedabad’s proficient IVF doctor Dr. Nisarg Patel explains that the findings of the tests will determine how far your IVF therapy will progress in the future.

How does work from home benefit IVF seekers?

Working from home is a huge comfort for any working woman who wishes to plan to undergo IVF treatment and hopes to have a child. You can organize your schedule to meet both professional and personal obligations. 

Because of the complexities involved, deciding to undergo IVF therapy can be difficult. Your financial, bodily, and emotional stress resulting from the procedures could be tough to bear. And this is the reason working from home might be the most advantageous.


Expecting your child is among the most exciting times in your life. When you are ready for motherhood and have a family, you are looking forward to starting the best phase of your life. However, in today’s society, finding yourself in a position to satisfy your career and personal goals is difficult.

Fortunately, IVF treatment has been shown to be a safe and effective technique to help people enjoy parenting if they cannot conceive.

Do not delay the process; take advantage of the IVF procedure while your eggs and partner’s sperms are still young and healthy. 

Dr. Nisarg Patel is a top-notch IVF doctor in Ahmedabad and can provide you with a safe and reliable treatment to set you on your parenthood goals.