Chances of pregnancy after blastocyst transfer

Chances of pregnancy after blastocyst transfer

Going on the journey to become parents through IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) is a big and exciting step. One important part of this journey is something called a blastocyst transfer. You might have questions like “What is it?”, “What are the chances of pregnancy after...
3 failed IUI unexplained infertility

3 failed IUI unexplained infertility

Navigating infertility is complex and can be emotionally exhausting for many couples. Many fertility treatments are available. Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) is one option that many people choose. However, after 3 failed IUIs and unexplained infertility, the path...
12 Days After Embryo Transfer

12 Days After Embryo Transfer

We understand the journey to parenthood through IVF is filled with anticipation and questions, especially around key milestones. The period of 12 days after embryo transfer is crucial. It marks a time when early signs of pregnancy can begin. At that time, hCG levels...
Thin endometrium after miscarriage

Thin endometrium after miscarriage

Experiencing a miscarriage can be a deeply emotional and physically challenging experience. Your body recovers from the miscarriage’s physical aspects. You may also worry about future fertility. For example, thin endometrium after miscarriage might concern you. This...