Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a hormone imbalance that triggers symptoms of excessive hair on the face and body, acne, and abnormal menstrual cycles. It can cause fertility problems like irregular or missed periods and make it more difficult to become pregnant. This article presents a study that found that the incidence rate of PCOS presented for in vitro fertilization (IVF) increased from 2.1% in 2003 to 3.9% in 2013 and that the prevalence rate of PCOS.

How does PCOS affect fertility?

Women with PCOS have an increased risk of infertility. This is because the condition impacts the ovaries, which are responsible for producing eggs. The number of eggs a woman produces each month is an important factor in her fertility. It’s one of the most important factors. There may be a link between other medications and medications to treat PCOS that can cause decreased infertility as well.

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What Role Do Hormones Play in PCOS?

Your reproductive hormones are out of balance if you have PCOS. This can cause issues with your ovaries, such as not having or not receiving your period on time.

Hormones are produced by your body to cause various effects. Some have an impact on your menstrual cycle and are linked to your capacity to conceive. The following hormones play a role in PCOS:

  • Androgens. They’re commonly referred to as male hormones, however, they also exist in females. Women with PCOS have greater levels.
  • Insulin. This hormone regulates blood sugar levels. Your body may not react to insulin as it should if you have PCOS.
  • Progesterone. Your body may not produce enough of this hormone if you have PCOS. You might go a long time missing out on your periods or have problems estimating when they’ll arrive.

What are the symptoms of PCOS?

PCOS is a condition in which the body does not produce enough progesterone. Symptoms of PCOS can include irregular or no periods, acne, weight gain, depression, and acne. Other symptoms also include:

  • On the neck or in the armpits you can notice, darkened skin or extra skin (skin tags)
  • Mood swings 
  • Excessive or mild pain in the pelvic region.

The best way to diagnose this condition is through an ultrasound and blood test. Nisha IVF has the best equipment for ultrasound and blood tests. You can consult with the doctors and have a transparent view of your problem. The doctors can guide you with the treatment process.

Is it possible for a woman to have PCOS and no symptoms?

One of the most disturbing facts about PCOS is that a woman can have PCOS and not know it. As many as one-third of women diagnosed with PCOS may not know they have it. PCOS is often found only after the onset of fertility problems, which means that an early diagnosis could lead to a higher chance of improving fertility.

How do you know if you have PCOS without symptoms?

PCOS is difficult to diagnose because some women do not have any symptoms or do not have symptoms until they are pregnant. Hormones may also affect the way the body responds to certain tests. But there are some ways you can tell if you might have PCOS before any symptoms appear. One of these is having an irregular menstrual cycle. The National Institute of Health advises sexually active women to be mindful about their periods and to speak with a health care provider if they experience any of these symptoms: ovulatory disorders, pelvic pain, acne, infrequent periods (less than 21 days), weight gain or loss without trying, endometrial changes or uterine fibroids.

Early Detection of PCOS for Fertility Preservation

A new study has found that the earlier a woman is diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), the more likely she’ll be able to get pregnant. PCOS is the most common cause of infertility in women of childbearing age, but it can be managed for several reasons. Women who are diagnosed at a younger age are also more likely to have reduced symptoms.