These days, coronavirus has altered the course of our life. The virus has infected several people. Many people have recovered, but some have died as a result of the illness. Anyone, especially those with a weakened immune system, can be infected by this virus. Pregnant women are especially susceptible to contracting this illness! 

Yes, the danger of contracting coronavirus is higher in pregnant women since their immune systems are already compromised. Covid 19-positive pregnant women are more likely to deliver birth early and experience other pregnancy problems. If you are pregnant and experiencing pregnancy difficulties, you should get treatment from the best IVF doctor in Ahmedabad.

Covid 19 instances are on the rise every day, especially in major cities in India. The virus has harmed Ahmedabad as well. This is a matter of concern for Ahmedabad residents, particularly pregnant women.

And for pregnant women, it is not only a question about themselves but also about their unborn child. It’s not just one life on the line; two lives are on the line! It can harm your unborn children too. Their lives are in jeopardy before they ever get a chance to live. 

As a result, pregnant women must take extra precautions since their health and lives are on the line. It is not just about the pregnant woman’s health but also about the health of her unborn child.

If you are pregnant, you must take additional precautions and keep a safe distance from individuals and surrounding environments. For example, if you want the deadly coronavirus to stay away from you and your kid, you must maintain social distance.

Remember, it’s not only about your safety but also your little angel’s safety. As a result, it is critical to be alert for the sake of your child’s safety. Likewise, it is essential to take adequate care of your health for the sake of your child’s health.

Let us now look at the issues that pregnant women with Covid 19 encounter.

What are the risks to pregnant women during Covid 19?

Because of their weakened immune systems, pregnant women are particularly vulnerable to Covid 19. As a result, pregnant women who have Covid 19 may experience pregnancy difficulties and may deliver their baby before the due date. If you are experiencing pregnancy difficulties resulting from Covid 19, you should get treatment from a famous IVF centre in Ahmedabad right once.

Now, let us discuss the risk factors:

Covid 19 leads the following risk factors in pregnant women:

  • Pregnant women who have high blood pressure are more likely to have a miscarriage.
  • Coronavirus is particularly dangerous to pregnant women with cardiovascular problems.
  • A coronavirus is more likely to affect pregnant women with diabetes.
  • Elderly pregnant women are at higher risk of contracting the covid 19.
  • Pregnant women with a high BMI are more likely to contract coronavirus.

What is the protocol for treating Covid 19 in pregnant women?

If a pregnant woman needs to be admitted to the hospital for COVID-19, she must be given proper maternal and fetal monitoring. 

A few things to keep in mind:

  • Pregnant women can obtain the covid 19 vaccines to protect themselves and their unborn child from the new coronavirus. But before taking that, ask your doctor and plan accordingly.
  • Pregnant women can continue their pregnancy care and take the drugs their IVF specialist in Ahmedabad has recommended. There is no evidence that some medicines render people more threat of coronavirus infection.
  • Pregnant women, like everyone else, should take precautions to avoid contracting the coronavirus, such as wearing masks, keeping a safe distance from others, and washing their hands routinely.


Vaccination acts as a barrier, protecting the pregnant mother and her unborn child from the harms of the coronavirus. Remember that Covid 19 can not stop you from becoming pregnant. It can’t stop a woman from having her kid, which is her greatest delight. 

Even in this challenging epidemic, a woman can have a healthy pregnancy by taking necessary safety precautions.