Nisha IVF, one of the best IVF centre in Ahmedabad, believes in thoroughly assessing each patient’s condition. Our proficient fertility doctors in Ahmedabad accurately identify the cause of reproductive problems and provide the most effective and result-oriented treatment based on the patients’ needs.

Our fertility experts are dedicated to providing advanced female and male fertility testing. Semen analysis is an integral part of male infertility testing.

This blog provides general information on semen analysis and its role in treating male infertility.

First, let’s understand,

What Is Semen Analysis and How Does It Work?

The procedure by which reproductive experts examine the overall quality of the semen and sperm is known as sperm analysis.

A lab tech can analyze a semen specimen for various factors that could affect overall male fertility.

Several fertility procedures, such as intrauterine insemination (IUI), in vitro fertilization (IVF), or Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), and a basic fertility assessment, require semen analysis.

Now, let’s know, 

Why is the Role of a Semen Analysis?

If men are having trouble impregnating their partners, they should check their semen. For example, if a couple has been trying to conceive for a few months to a year and hasn’t had any success, a semen analysis is recommended. This male infertility test is commonly done with a female infertility test.

Let’s discuss,

What can Semen Analysis Detect?

Semen analysis can be used to measure the following features of semen and sperm:

1. Sperm number: It refers to the number of sperm observed in a millilitre of a semen sample. Low sperm counts lead to male infertility.

2. Sperm motility: It refers to the capacity of sperm to swim appropriately. Sperm that has trouble in swimming has less ability to fertilize eggs.


3. Sperm morphology: This entails examining the shape and anatomy of sperms to ensure that they are in good working condition.

4. Semen volume: A man’s potential to conceive his partner is affected by the quantity of semen in his ejaculate.

5. Liquefaction period: The sperm usually is gel-like for twenty minutes after ejaculation before becoming liquid. Fertility might be affected by timing factors.

6. Amount of Fructose: Fructose is a sugar found in semen that helps nourish and activate sperm. Low-fructose diets may decrease sperm viability.

7. pH of Sperm: Issues with sperm acidity or alkalinity might lead to sperm health problems.

A fertility expert can develop a personalized treatment strategy for each patient based on all of these findings.

How is Male Infertility Treated?

  • In some patients, male infertility can be managed by making lifestyle changes. 
  • Diet can also improve the formation and pH of sperm. Based on the patients’ needs, these problems can be examined in greater depth with the fertility doctor. 
  • Various reproductive treatments may be required if there are issues with sperm count or motility. IUI, IVF, or ICSI can all help you get pregnant. However, using a sperm donor may be the last option left to start a family in some cases of severe male infertility.

Make an appointment with a fertility specialist in Ahmedabad if you are having trouble conceiving. You can discuss fertility treatments and assisted reproductive techniques in-depth during your visit to the fertility clinic.

How is Male Infertility Treated?

  • In some patients, male infertility can be managed by making lifestyle changes. 
  • Diet can also improve the formation and pH of sperm. Based on the patients’ needs, these problems can be examined in greater depth with the fertility doctor. 
  • Various reproductive treatments may be required if there are issues with sperm count or motility. IUI, IVF, or ICSI can all help you get pregnant. However, using a sperm donor may be the last option left to start a family in some cases of severe male infertility.

Make an appointment with a fertility specialist in Ahmedabad if you are having trouble conceiving. You can discuss fertility treatments and assisted reproductive techniques in-depth during your visit to the fertility clinic.