Many couples in Ahmedabad go through repeated IVF failures. They are often confused about why it is happening to them. And in turn, ask various questions to their IVF centre in Ahmedabad. If you are facing a similar problem, do not worry. We have mentioned all the details you need to know about repeated IVF failures and what steps you can take next.

If a woman has a history of 3 failed IVF cycles with good quality embryos, it is called a repeated IVF failure. So, your IVF specialist will ascertain the actual cause of the failure by a thorough diagnosis. Some of the reasons are mentioned below.

Why do Repeated IVF failures occur?

Some of the reasons why you may be having repeated IVF failures are mentioned below:

  • Poor oocyte quality: With increasing age, the quality of your oocyte is likely to reduce. The oocyte plays an essential role in cell division during embryo formation. So, poor oocyte quality results in a damaged DNA and a chromosomally abnormal embryo.
  • Poor sperm quality: If you have low-quality sperm, the sperm cannot pierce the egg’s outer shell or at times lead to poor fertilization in IVF failures.
  • Wrong embryo selection: If the IVF specialist chooses an abnormal embryo, the uterus will likely reject it. It is crucial to test and select an embryo that is chromosomally normal for a successful IVF cycle.
  • Issues in the uterus: If you have any problems in the uterus, there are high chances of failure of the IVF cycle. So, it is crucial to conduct a proper check of the uterus in terms of hormones, immunology, and structure.
  • Lifestyle of the partners: The lifestyle of the partners in the IVF cycle matters. If one or both use frequent drugs, tobacco, and alcohol, and so on, it may lead to complications during the IVF cycle and pregnancy. Similarly, if they suffer from hypertension, diabetes, and other autoimmune disorders, there is a high risk of failure in the IVF cycle.
  • Issues with embryo transfer: Even though embryo transfer is a non-surgical procedure, it must be performed at the right place and time. You can opt for a trial transfer to ensure that your specialist can place the embryo at the correct location in the uterus. It can reduce the risk of a failure of the IVF cycle.

Repeated IVF Failure Diagnosis and Treatment

Your specialist will suggest any or few of the following tests determine the cause of IVF failure.

  • Uterine evaluation: It will evaluate the uterus and fallopian tubes’ condition in detail. It will help your specialist know the exact tubal status for a successful IVF cycle and reduce failure chances by almost 50%.
  • Sperm DNA fragmentation test: The test investigates the quality of the DNA in the sperm. If your sperm DNA fragmentation assay is very high, it could lead to failure in the IVF cycle, low fertilization chances, miscarriages, etc.
  • Endometrial Receptivity Assay (ERA): This test refers to the endometrium’s biopsy. It assists the IVF specialist to determine the most suitable day for implanting the embryo.
  • Preimplantation genetic testing: The test is directed towards analysing the chromosomes in the embryo. Embryos with a standard number of chromosomes are selected for embryo transfer. It reduces the risk of a miscarriage along with the birth of a normal child or children.
  • Immunology test: Your IVF specialist may also suggest certain tests to check abnormalities, including immune cells or proteins. This test would give a clear picture of the cause of the previous IVF cycles’ failure and how to approach the next one. If the results of other tests do not reveal the cause of the failure, you can go for this test.

Treatment of Repeated IVF Failure Cycles

If your IVF doctor can detect the cause of the repeated IVF cycles’ failure, they can proceed planned during the upcoming IVF cycle.

The IVF specialist will pay more attention to the embryo transfer procedure and choose healthy oocyte and sperm. They will also check out the uterine environment to find out the best place to implant and so on.

The key to a successful IVF cycle is to properly diagnose and detect the reason for failure in the earlier cycles. Also, to choose to avoid their recurrence in the present cycle. For ensuring these processes flow smoothly, you must pick a clinic for best IVF treatment in Ahmedabad.